de printesa inimilor

acu 10 ani cand era august si frumos, am primit o scrisoare de la Diana de la Sibiu. si vedere din Franta. sau Anglia. oricum, murise Diana, printesa Diana. si era soc si era planset si era mare jale. si am compatimit.

later, am ajuns sa scriu regulat despre toate cele ce se mai vorbeau pe seama dumisale, in special  despre indureratu posibil socru care e poate cel mai afectat dintre toti dupa tragedia de la paris.

acu, pur si simplu, las pe printu harry sa zica ce are de zis, la 10 ani de la moartea celei mai cunoscute printese blonde:

«William and I can separate life into two parts. There were those years when we were blessed with the physical presence beside us of both our mother and father.

«And then there are the 10 years since our mother’s death. When she was alive we completely took for granted her unrivaled love of life, laughter, fun and folly. She was our guardian, friend and protector.

«She never once allowed her unfaltering love for us to go unspoken or undemonstrated.

«She will always be remembered for her amazing public work. But behind the media glare, to us, just two loving children, she was quite simply the best mother in the world.

«We would say that wouldn’t we. But we miss her. She kissed us last thing at night.

«Her beaming smile greeted us from school. She laughed hysterically and uncontrollably when sharing something silly she might have said or done that day. She encouraged us when we were nervous or unsure.

«She like our father was determined to provide us with a stable and secure childhood.

«To lose a parent so suddenly at such a young age, as others have experienced, is indescribably shocking and sad. It was an event which changed our lives forever, as it must have done for everyone who lost someone that night.

«But what is far more important to us now, and into the future, is that we remember our mother as she would have wished to be remembered as she was: fun-loving, generous, down-to-earth, entirely genuine.

«We both think of her every day.
«We speak about her and laugh together at all the memories.

«Put simply, she made us, and so many other people, happy. May this be the way that she is remembered.»

de importanta maximala, despre 3 blonde

despre cum se intoarce stirile vitale pentru natziune, pentru ca nu-i asha, viatza sta in tot ce-i blond si mishka.

  • blonda decent conturata, extinsa capilar, protuberanta rubricii meteo din libertatea la cererea cititorilor, pe nume simona sensual, „a fost ciocnita noaptea in nordul capitalei”. nemarginit interes. (realitatea e ca sensualitatea a uitat de prioritate, a intrat cu un bmw seria 3 intr-un audi si-a ricosat intr-o dacie. zice k n-a fost vina ei. ii luara permisu)
  • blonda scurtata, unii ar prefera de cap, intrupeshand perfectiunea misspiggyana, pe nume nikita, a fost ciocnita in dorobanti. vopseaua bucoida se scurse in ceva pagini de ziar
  • blonda cu ceasuri mai scumpe si rokii mai de r&b lady, cristina spatar, crede ca ar putea scoate ceva buni daca-si pune rokiile la licitatie pe net. „celebra rochie galbena Armani pe care am purtat-o la lansarea ultimului album” i-ar aduce cel putin 3500 de dolari daca ar reusi s-o marite. blonda cu tenu pamantiu shi buzele dublate de talent zice ca o duce bine cu afacerile, chiar daca nu mai e alaturi de maschio sau adamescu jr. , vrea casa noua. probabil ca sa-si cumpere canapele, tre sa-si vanda garderoba.

mahmoud. ahmadinejad. dexy dixit

despre viata lui mahmoud.

despre pantofii lui

despre daca a avut sau nu brad cand era mic

despre cand mahmoud a crescut mare

despre Arunium sdi mai multe chestiifrom the fashion side of terror – pe blogul pastorit in comun de acu inainte in comuniune psihokinetezica cu DEXY / Del – aici

intrati de vedeti productia Dexy, pilotu unui foileton ce va avea fratiori si puishori de seama.

anonimul. editia 4

foto de la Sfantu Gheorghe: Picasa Anca si Picasa Raluca

impresii: destule. amintim drumul dus intors cu autocarul si salupa galbena, ciorbele de peste, ardeii umpluti cu peste, chefalul, piscina ziua – in care n-am intrat, licuricii, lanterna lu zarnescu, roze-ul si implicit dl cretzulescu, fatza calina a lui ken loach, discursul lin al lui mungiu, ritmul indian al lui chiri, codruta cu boxele, nisipu care frigea, sesiunile de autan, sesiunile de aruncare in piscina seara – in care n-am intrat-slava laptopului, seria „asteptand-o pe olivotto”, ciulinii de la dnu mircea pescaru, impartiti cu gloria si mitchievici, lebada si egreta, pelicanu si golfu, stelele de intra in mare, somnu de la Flandra, optimismu lu eddie berg, nimeritu foishoarelor, liberte, egalite, fraternite (la capitolu public de cinema), aplauzele de la my brother is an only child si 4 minuten.

ce am invatat: ca te bronzezi aiurea in pozitia capu-la-cutie intr-o barca sau la cules de scoici; ca nu e bine sa te uiti la filme dimineata, ca dormi la ele, nici noaptea, ca ti se face foame; ca plantele de apa se usuca daca le pui cinci minute pe o masa langa desert; ca nu orice incaltari sunt fit pt a merge pe nisip; ca, in general e bine sa Relax, Take it easyyyyyyy

obiectziuni la: lipsa comunicatelor de presa pe timpul festivalului; lipsa unei liste de invitati distribuita la presa, faptu k nu au mentionat-o pe marinca in seara de deschidere si nici n-au adus-o pe scena; faptu k nu a existat moderator la q&a-uri, ca nu s-a tradus in engleza la q&a-ul lui mungiu, k nu l-au dus sa-l prezinte lui ken loach, faptu k nu s-au dat subtitrarile la filme in sali, ele afisandu-se doar in camping, k n-au zis nimic de nemescu la proiectia california, lipsa de party/ party spirit


Trofeul Festivalului: California Dreamin’ (Nesfarsit), regia Cristian Nemescu, Romania

(Motivatie: Pentru reusita exceptionala, inclusiv interpretativa, cu o mentionare speciala a actorilor Ion Sapdaru si Razvan Vasilescu)

Premiul pentru regie: Andrey Zvyagintsev, pentru filmul Exilul, Rusia ( motivatie: Pentru viziunea cinematografica uimitoare)

Premiul pentru imagine: Mikhail Krichman, pentru Exilul, regia Andrey Zvyagintsev, Rusia (Motivatie: Pentru frumusetea complesitoare a imaginii).

Premiul special al Juriului: Hannah Herzsprung pentru interpretarea din filmul Patru Minute, regia Chris Kraus, Germania (motivatie: Pentru interpretarea unui rol extrem de solicitant).

Premiul special al Juriului: Elio Germano pentru interpretarea din filmul Fratele meu e singur la parinti, regia Daniele Luchetti, Italia (motivatie: Pentru interpretarea unui rol complex si crearea unui personaj fermecator).

Premiul publicului: California Dreamin’ (Nesfârsit), regia Cristian Nemescu, România

Sectiunea scurtmetraj de fictiune

Premiul pentru cel mai bun scurtmetraj de fictiune: Before The Wind Blows, regia Samer Najari, Canada (Motivatie: Pentru demonetizarea ideii de kamikaze de-a lungul timpului si grotescul manipularii unei situatii tragice)

Premiul special Ovidiu Bose Pastina: Tricoul/The T-Shirt, regia Hossein Martin Fazeli, Cehia (motivatie: Pentru un film despre intoleranta si consecintele ei mortale, facut cu eficienta, concizie si chiar… umor. )

Premiul special al Juriului: Lectia de box, regia Alexandru Mavrodineanu, România (motivatie: Pentru ambiguitatea si emotia cu care filmul ne ofera mai multe lectii de viata, în care forta si fragilitatea se intalnesc permanent in ring)

Premiul publicului: Save The World, regia David-Cassals Roma, Italia

Sectiunea scurtmetraj de animatie

Premiul pentru cel mai bun scurtmetraj de animatie: Tyger, regia Guilherme Marcondes, Brazilia (motivatie: Pentru imbinarea ingenioasa a diferitelor tehnici de animatie, inclusiv a celei cu marionete, si de asemenea pentru povestea lirica, nuantata de realism magic, de metamorfoze imaginative si de folosirea inspirata a muzicii)

LATER EDIT: sfantu gheorghe vazut de o spectatoare a anonimului, tot pe picasa – aici

de cotoi si catzeloi

Cats or dogs?

Au Miorlau, motan vestit,
Ieri mi s-a casatorit
Cu umila domnisoara,
Delicata si usoara
Ca un fulg plutind in vant
Alintat pin’la pamint.

Si au venit pisici vargate,
Mustatate, coafate,
Cu motani la mana dreapta
Si valeti care le asteapta.

Dar, cand nunta era-n toi,
Chiar pe masa din castel
A sarit un soricel…
Ce mai harmalaie, claie,
Se pornise pe bataie,
Pe potop, pe oase rupte
Sa se-aleaga, sa se-nfrupte

C-o labuta sau c-un fir
Din vestitul musafir.
Cand era in toi macelul,
Profitand si soricelul,
A sarit pe-un geam mai sus
Si se prapadea de ras!

My doggy likes to disco dance.
He boogies every night.
He dances in his doghouse
till the early morning light.

The other dogs come running
when they hear my doggy swing.
A few will bring play their instruments.
The others dance and sing.

They pair off with their partners
as their tails begin to wag.
They love to do the bunny hop,
the fox trot and the shag.

You’ll see the doghouse rockin’
as a hundred dogs or more
all trip the light fantastic
on the doghouse disco floor.

At last, at dawn, they exit
in the early morning breeze,
and stop to sniff the fire hydrants,
bushes, lawns and trees.

I just don’t understand it
for although it looks like fun.
I can’t see how they fit inside
that doghouse built for one.

de ce am aflat azi

  • ca femeile ii place pe baietii rai. libertatea chiar se aventureaza in degeabaland cu titlul „baietii sexy de dupa gratii”, care adaposteste adevaruri uimitoare: Unul dintre idolii femeilor e temutul criminal grec Konstantinos Passaris sau ca pe lista baietilor rai iubiti de romance e si Eduard Mihai Dan, fiul politicianului Dan Iosif, inchis la Margineni, Dambovita. Tanarul a fost acuzat de trafic si consum de droguri de mare risc. Poreclit ‘Cristos’, el are o tunsoare tip Maradona, cu care a ‘vrajit’ multe fete.  Ceea ce inseamna ca freza Cristos trebuie evitata daca vrei sa fii bun ca painea lu Maradona.
  • Andreea Banica are 7 case. Die, Nastase de ciuda.
  • Gorbaciov n-a murit. face reclama la genti de lux.
  • Americanii au gasit 237 de motive sa faca sex
  • Alina Plugaru a dormit langa Thomas Anders… O „bomba porno” (prezinta vremea in Click, nu ca Simona Senzual care se limiteaza la Libertatea…) si un expirat din Modern Talkin. Uau, ce interesant!
  • Victor Becali a stat la coada pentru porumb copt

the meantime girl…

I noticed her in the morning. When cover-mark-ing the tears away.
Blue tiny mirror ahead. Soft dreams behind.
Guess I noticed her before. Didn’t dare to ask her much. 

Some might say…
She’s the one you call when you’re bored because she makes you laugh.

She’s the one you talk to when you’re feeling down because she’s willing to lend an ear and be a friend.

She’s not the one you call when you need a date to your best friend’s wedding, or to go dancing with on a Saturday night.

She’s the one you spend time with between girlfriends, before you find „The One”. You know, the one who you keep around in the meantime.

She’s not necessarily one of the guys, not a tomboy, but you don’t look at her as a „real” woman, either.

She’s not bitchy enough, moody enough, or sexy enough to be seen in that light.

She’s too laid-back, too easily amused by the same things your male buddies are amused by.

She’s too understanding, too comfortable – she doesn’t make you feel nervous or excited the way that Other woman does, or you thinks it does.

But she’s cool, and nice, and funny, and attractive enough that when you’re lonely or horny and need intimate female companionship, she’ll do just fine.

You don’t have to wine and dine her because she knows the real you already, and you don’t have any facades to keep up, no pretenses to preserve. When you do, she keeps you cuddled in bed all night long…

She’s not easy, but you know that she cares about you and is attracted to you, and that she’ll give you the intimacy and the discretion you need.

And you know you don’t have to explain yourself or the situation, that she’ll be able to cope with the fact that this isn’t the beginning of a relationship or that there’s any possibility that you have any real romantic feelings for her.

It won’t bother her that you’ll get up in the morning, put on your pants, say goodbye, and go on a date with the woman you’ve been mooning over for weeks who finally agreed to go out with you, or come back to you, although you know she doesn’t deserve you.

She’ll settle for a goodbye hug and a promise to call her and tell her how the date went or to send her MMS landscapes from your weekend fun sessions with your friends.
 She’s just so cool . . . why can’t all women be like that?!

But deep down, if you really think about it (which you probably don’t because to you, the situation between the two of you isn’t important enough to deserve any real thought), you know that it’s really not fair.
You know that although she would never say it, it hurts her to know that despite all her good points and all the fun you two have, you don’t think she’s good enough to spend any real time with.

Sure, it’s mostly her fault, because she doesn’t have to give in to your needs – she could play the hard-to-get bitch like the rest of them do, if she really wanted to.

You might think that she probably couldn’t pull it off. Maybe she’s too short, or too blonde, or has a big birthmark exposed.

So she remains the funny friend, the steadfast companion, the secret lover, and you go on searching  for your goddess who will somehow be everything you ever wanted in a woman.

You’ll joke to her that she should be the best man at your wedding, and she’ll laugh and make a joke about a smelly rental tux.

Sometime s you think she probably has a bigger and better heart than any woman you’ve ever known because she’s had a front-row seat to The Mess That Is Your Life, and she likes you anyway.

She obviously sees something worthwhile and redeeming in you because although you’ve given her nothing, absolutely no reason to still be around, she is.

Yap. The  Meantime Girl. She may be a lot of fun, but deep down  she cries, too. A lot.
And someday she won’t be around.

Till then, some say she might open doors with her smile.
In the morning, I met the Meantime Girl . You met her every time… Never asked her if you could meet me, instead.  
I  was close… 
Still smiling… Meantime…